Titel: |
Technique for a Sense of Touch inside the Head |
Autor(en): |
O. Oehms , M. Radicke , M. Lewerenz , S. Wrede , B. Habenstein , P. Trautner, B. Weber und K. Maier  |
Jahr: |
2008 |
Monat: |
Februar |
Konferenz: |
DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Berlin |
Datei / URL: |
http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/2008/berlin/st4.pdf |
Zusammenfassung: |
If a 30ms long Ultrasound (US) pulse is irradiated into a sample during a diffusion sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sequence, the US can generate contrasts in the image between tissues or liquids with different viscoelastic properties. If the US could be coupled through the cranium into the brain, this effect could possibly be used to visualize brain tumors or Alzheimer plaques. First measurements will be presented, which demonstrate the effect of the US on the MR image and the feasibilty of a coupling of the US through a model of a bone. The US frequency is tuned in such a way, that a resonance condition inside the bone occures. In this case, the US amplitude behind the bone rises enormously and the US effects on the sample can be visualized with the MRI scanner. |