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Titel: New image contrast method in magnetic resonance imaging via ultrasound
Autor(en): M. Radicke Person, A. Engelbertz Person, B. Habenstein Person, M. Lewerenz Person, O. Oehms Person, P. Trautner, B. Weber, S. Wrede Person und K. Maier Person
Journal: Hyperfine Interactions
Jahr: 2008
Band: 181
Seite(n): 21-26
Verlag: Springer Netherlands
Zugehörigkeit: University of Bonn Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen-und Kernphysik Nussallee 14–16 53115 Bonn Germany
DOI: 10.1007/s10751-008-9628-6
ISSN: 0304-3843
Datei / URL:
Zusammenfassung: When applied to a sample, ultrasound (US) gives rise to a displacement of tissue and a flow in a liquid due to the acoustic radiation pressure. These movements depend on the viscoelastic properties of the sample and can be visualized precisely with an MRI scanner using diffusion- sensitive pulse sequences. In this paper, measurements will be presented, which show the visualization of the US under variation of its parameters in different liquids and in tissue.

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